The Octapharma Vision
“Our passion is to offer new treatment solutions to improve people’s lives. This is our vision, and serves as our navigational reference point. ”
Wolfgang Marguerre
Chairman and CEO
of the Octapharma group
The Octapharma Values
The five company values – Ownership, Integrity, Leadership, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship – guide all our decisions and actions.
The Octapharma Mission
“Our mission is ‘for the safe and optimal use of human proteins’ and we continue to invest in sustainable growth to help even more people in need.”
Tobias Marguerre
Deputy Chairman, Octapharma Group
The Octapharma Vision
“Our passion is to offer new treatment solutions to improve people’s lives. This is our vision, and serves as our navigational reference point. ”
Wolfgang Marguerre
Chairman and CEO
of the Octapharma group
The Octapharma Values
“Our five corporate values of ownership, integrity, leadership, longevity and entrepreneurship – guide us in all our decisions and actions.”
Frederic Marguerre
Shareholder Representative,
President Octapharma Plasma Inc. (US)
The Octapharma Mission
“Our mission is ‘for the safe and optimal use of human proteins’ and we continue to invest in sustainable growth to help even more people in need.”